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Il Sogno Home

Il Sogno Home - Catalogue

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21 May 2021 - 1st Edition, Vol. 1, 16 pages
Il Sogno Home

Il Sogno Home was established in 2008 as a means to distribute various Italian made products exclusively within Indonesia.  In 2016, Il Sogno further cemented its position as the outstanding interior products provider in Indonesia by adding high-end Italian brands to its product portfolio, catering specifically to the sanitary area, kitchen cabinets, and porcelain tiles. 


As Gessi, the Gessi brand is acknowledged worldwide for its fashionable bathroom designs in various living environments. Meanwhile, Imola is widely reputed the world over for its exceptional ceramics and tiles.


Eponymously, Il Sogno Home strives to bring the best of contemporary Italian design and quality into ones home, by offering a new look, innovative design solutions, and a vast product range from aluminium windows, porcelain tiles, kitchen cabinets, as well as sanitary Fittings; a great deal of attention is paid to the clients lifestyle and needs in order to bring the dream home into fruition.


It is indeed our commitment to give the best experience and service on selecting products for ones’ dream bathroom and home.

About Il Sogno Home


Il Sogno Home strives to bring the best of contemporary Italian design and quality into ones home, by offering a new look, innovative design solutions, and a vast product range; from aluminium windows, porcelain tiles, as well as sanitary Fittings;  a great deal of attention is paid to the clients lifestyle and needs in order to bring the dream home into fruition. 


Via Il Sogno Home, the Karya Group is now closely working together with Gessi, Ernestomeda and Cooperativa Ceramica D’Imola, as the sole distributor for the above mentioned products in Indonesia.