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07 May 2018 - 2018th Edition, Vol. 1, 19 pages

Passionate home chefs need the right tools in their quest for culinary excellence. They know that only appliances made with the finest quality materials, ingenious designs and exquisite craftsmanship are durable enough to stand the test of time.

KitchenAid designers and engineers understand what you need. By working with professional chefs, they create appliances that offer you the ultimate blend of technological innovation, professional performance, excellent craftsmanship and iconic design.

The hallmark of every KitchenAid product is the incredible synergy between us and the appliances, which we engineer to guarantee you enjoy the finest quality. By sourcing only hard-wearing, premium materials, we know you can rely on our appliances for years to come.

Each knob, button and handle is scrutinised to ensure an ergonomic, easy-to-use design, and behind every programme and function is enough state-ofthe- art technology to keep you at the cutting edge
of cooking. At KitchenAid, we also appreciate
the value and importance of the human factor as
this guarantees experience, creativity and extreme attention to detail. Like you, we live and breathe artisanality, and no detail is too small when it comes to crafting the perfect appliance. The added value of KitchenAid comes from the consummate passion
of our technicians who, like craftsmen, test product quality as the appliances roll off the production line.

Dedicated gourmets deserve to have only the very best in their kitchens, which is why we work so hard to put the craft in craftsmanship and create culinary masterpieces for you – the connoisseurs of quality.

About KitchenAid


The journey begins with excellent ingredients, boundless passion, breakthrough technology and iconic design. And you, who expect nothing less than the best.