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Krista Exhibitions

Exhibitions Brochure

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27 August 2019 - 1st Edition, Vol. 1, 4 pages
BALI INTERFOOD EXPO 2019 by Krista Exhibitions

Krista Exhibitions is proudly present BALI INTERFOOD 2019 – The 4th International exhibition on Food & Beverage, Baking Ingredients, Horeca & Baking Equipment, Technology, and Services in Bali which will be held on 26 – 28 September 2019 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center – Indonesia.


This exhibition will feature so many exhibitors from local and international from various segments, including bakery, confectionery, biscuits, pastry, food, frozen food, healthy food, meat & tripe, coffee and tea, equipment, technologies and food services.


For more information,

Please email to

Or visit our website

Or WhatsApp to +62 8129535445


For Online Registration, Click Here

About Krista Exhibitions


Indonesia's Leading Event Organizer Kristamedia Pratama


Kristamedia Pratama, Krista Exhibitions started in 1994 as an International exhibition organizer. With more than 2 decades experience, Krista has a unique network of office with International sales promoters, until today we have more than 5000 companies taking part in our various exhibitions.


Our portfolio is over 100 exhibition titles in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Bali, Makassar and Medan. We conduct exhibitions that are G to B (Government to Business), B to B (Business to Business), as well as B to C (Business to Consumer) shows. Krista exhibition is your reliable exhibition and conference partner.


Vision :

To become the number one choice for exhibiton organizer, estate, fashion and trade in Asia Pasific, USA and South Africa Region.