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Registry Indonesia

11th Edition Vol 3, Lifestyle - Magazine

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04 June 2018 - 11th Edition, Vol. 3, 140 pages
Dr. Deby Vinski & dr. Natasha Vinski


Enhanced Future for Anti-Aging

The name of Prof. dr. Deby Vinski, MScAA, PhD has always been identical with the subject of anti- aging. The queen of anti-aging Indonesia, as she’s often recognised, has spent years building her empire through several anti-aging towers in Indonesia, as well as prominent reputation around the world. Now, the Makassar-born anti-aging specialist is slowly passing her legacy to her crowned princess, dr. Natasha Vinski.


The fourth-generation doctor in her family, Natasha is currently the CEO of Vinski Tower. She is also the CEO of Aero Queen, a Singapore-based helicopter vendor and now expanding to aircraft rentals. “Business is something that I learnt from my late father Ivek Vinski, and I have always been curious about Aeronautics. You can say I like wearing many hats”.


Asked whether Natasha has always been interested to follow both her parents’ footsteps, she replies, “I’ve always had a growing fascination and interest in medical science throughout my childhood and even now, my curiosity is still growing because of the progress of science.” She further shares, “I have to say that my mother plays a big influence to me because of her dedication to the wellbeing of her patients, and her great role to the research and development in anti-aging and preventive medicine industry internationally.”

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