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Walter Knoll

Home Selection 2020 - Catalogue

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10 November 2020 - 1st Edition, Vol. 1, 83 pages
Walter Knoll Home Selection 2020

We are constantly reinterpreting these values. With fresh ideas and exceptional design. Our sofas, armchairs, tables and chairs are companions for life. Over years and decades, for different moods and situations. They tell the story of  the residents’ lives. And show their character in the process.  A tradition of craftsmanship, select materials, sustainable visions and an inherent understanding of how people want to live – that is what our furniture is all about. Together with internationally renowned designers and architects, we create furnishings that will find friends all over the world. Over 150 design awards show just how much our products are appreciated. They are authentic, appealing and timelessly modern. But the most important thing is that you feel good with our furniture.


Be inspired. Our »Home Selection« brochure will take you on a journey to both familiar classics and new favourites that all tell their own story. 


Walter Knoll collection will be available soon at RegistryE Shop


About Walter Knoll


Walter Knoll has been certified as a climate-neutral manufacturer for years. The building, the production facilities, as well as the processes fulfil the highest international sustainability standards. Only the very best materials are used to ensure sustainability and environmental compatibility. And we have reduced their deployment to an absolute minimum. At the same time, Walter Knoll cultivates old virtues and the techniques of craftsmanship and continuously develops them further to take them into the future.