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Haus of GOLD

Issue One - Magazine

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09 September 2018 - 1st Edition, Vol. 1, 24 pages
Haus of GOLD

One's strong sense of design aesthetic had been sowed way before he graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. As a budding teenage stylist, he won champion at the styling contests organised by the then trend-setting magazine 【Ameoba】, and "40 Under 40" Creative Talent Award from 【Perspective】 Design Magazine. Beyond visual aesthetic, he was once a disc jockey for HMV, turning his interest into a broader level by sharing his musical sense with all walks of audiences. All these experiences paved his way for the future after graduation, guaranteeing him a central role in visual merchandising within the fashion world – working for reputable fashion brands such as Gay Giano, Dickson Group and Lane Crawford. In the course of his career, one of his glorious chapters saw him playing a key role in taking the home-grown jewellery brand Edward Chiu Jewellery Art to the globe, and turning the niche black-and-white jade into a signature piece known to the world. GOLD’s wealth of experience in retail and visual arts management is bespoken by his diverse clienteles, ranging from celebrities, Royal Families to international movie stars such as Fan Bing Bing. Never stop in believing the talents surrounding him, GOLD curated the first-of-its-kind Hong Kong Makes Sense in 2014 – a one-month creative activities including visual exhibition and performances at Heritage Building Club Sense 99, creating a synergy among burgeoning talents in the art and design scene, in order to turn original creativity into a sustainable business cycle.

For Interest :


Mobile/WhatsApp :+852-57257337


Follow IG: @misterphilipgold

About Haus of GOLD

-Philip Gold-
One's strong sense of design aesthetic had been sowed way before he graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. As a budding teenage stylist, he won champion at the styling contests organised by the then trend-setting magazine 【Ameoba】, and "40 Under 40" Creative Talent Award from 【Perspective】 Design Magazine. Beyond visual aesthetic, he was once a disc jockey for HMV, turning his interest into a broader level by sharing his musical sense with all walks of audiences. All these experiences paved his way for the future after graduation, guaranteeing him a central role in visual merchandising within the fashion world – working for reputable fashion brands such as Gay Giano, Dickson Group and Lane Crawford. In the course of his career, one of his glorious chapters saw him playing a key role in taking the home-grown jewellery brand Edward Chiu Jewellery Art to the globe, and turning the niche black-and-white jade into a signature piece known to the world. GOLD’s wealth of experience in retail and visual arts management is bespoken by his diverse clienteles, ranging from celebrities, Royal Families to international movie stars such as Fan Bing Bing. Never stop in believing the talents surrounding him, GOLD curated the first-of-its-kind Hong Kong Makes Sense in 2014 – a one-month creative activities including visual exhibition and performances at Heritage Building Club Sense 99, creating a synergy among burgeoning talents in the art and design scene, in order to turn original creativity into a sustainable business cycle.