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Hong Kong Creative Makeup

Creative Makeup - Book|Video

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09 November 2018 - 1st Edition, Vol. 1, 58 pages
Hong Kong Creative Makeup

Creative makeup is definitely an art form crafting on a human face, the perfect art medium in the world by the god. With the talented imagination and skilful craftsmanship, the makeup artists have designed and produced 30 creative makeup art pieces showcasing in this book. They are meaningful and story-telling. All of them have been professionally performed by discreetly picked models around the world.


The photographer needs to deeply understand the creativity and story behind and carefully choose an appropriate lighting and shooting style for every single makeup.


We all hope the images shown in this book could give you a memorable visual impact and even inspiring your imagination. We are the creative team. We are the makeup artists and photographer. We come from Hong Kong.


Editor and Photographer : Joe Lai @ ZHOOT

Team Makeup Artists : Sirrine Lam, Shirley Wong, Alice Chong, Sandy Chan, Gabe Ku


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About Hong Kong Creative Makeup


Creative makeup is definitely an art form crafting on a human face, the perfect art medium in the world by the god. With the talented imagination and skilful craftsmanship, the makeup artists have designed and produced 30 creative makeup art pieces showcasing in this book. They are meaningful and story-telling. All of them have been professionally performed by discreetly picked models around the world.


The photographer needs to deeply understand the creativity and story behind and carefully choose an appropriate lighting and shooting style for every single makeup.


We all hope the images shown in this book could give you a memorable visual impact and even inspiring your imagination. We are the creative team. We are the makeup artists and photographer. We come from Hong Kong.