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Jakarta Nanyang School

Jakarta Nanyang School - Newsletter

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01 September 2014 - 1st Edition, Vol. 1, 8 pages
September 2014 Newsletter

JNY has the most modern facilities and a conducive recreational environment for students of the four sections to enjoy a seamless education progressing from Kindergarten to Junior College. Its state-of-the-art facilities cater for a wide range of educational purposes. Its safe, resort-like yet stimulating environment allows students to enjoy the best of their time in school.


Teaching & Learning Facilities

Air-conditioned Classrooms, Computer Laboratories, Science Laboratories, Lecture Theatres, Libraries, Music Studios, Dance Studios, Speech & Drama Studio, Art & Design Rooms, Calligraphy room, Tutorial rooms, Wi-Fi enabled IT friendly environment


Sports & Games Facilities

Badminton Courts, Basketball Courts, Table Tennis Station, Running Tracks, Soccer cum Sports Field, Olympic-sized Swimming Pool


Cultural & Recreational Facilities

Dining Hall, Multipurpose Hall, Assembly Areas, Eco-gardens, Children’s Play Stations, Students’ Creativity Hub


Health Care Facilities

Fully equipped medical clinic with service provided by qualified doctor and nurse


Drop-in Centres

Counselling Suite, EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Centre, Experiential Education Centre


Other Facilities

Parents’ Lounge, Students’ Lounge, Alternative energy demonstration tools, High security automatic gates for entry/exit


To Apply Please Click Here


Contact Us

Jl. Sekolah Foresta No. 1, Foresta, BSD City, Tangerang

Banten 15331, Indonesia

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General Office Service Hours

Monday to Friday : 8.00 am to 16.00

School Holidays : 8.00 am to 15.00

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays : Closed


Tel +62 21 50 555 999

About Jakarta Nanyang School


Jakarta Nanyang School (JNY) is a dynamic trilingual school offering an international curriculum. We are committed to Total Quality.


We exist to give students access to a holistic education because every child matters and every child has untold potential to discover and maximise. We emphasise quality at all levels: quality staff and quality education, together with quality facilities and infrastructure, resulting in quality students.


JNY began the first year of operation in July 2012. JNY’s doors are open to students who wish to explore learning beyond the conventional in a global context. JNY operates in association with Nanyang International Education (Holdings) Limited, which is part of the Nanyang Family of Schools, alongside three very well established top educational institutions in Singapore.


JNY is modeled after the Nanyang Family of Schools in terms of educational approach, curricula, teaching approaches, and emphasis on eastern ethics and culture. The media of instruction are English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Mandarin.



Mission Statement



JNY aims to provide quality education to nurture and develop students holistically to the fullest of their potential. Providing a safe and conducive environment equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, the school sets to fulfill its educational goals through good governance and high achievements.



Nurturing individuals who will excel to the fullest of their potential, staying loyal to the country, and contributing significantly to society.



Wisdom through Knowledge, Virtue through Deeds.


Jakarta Nanyang School
Jakarta Nanyang School - Newsletter
Jakarta Nanyang School
Jakarta Nanyang School - Newsletter
Jakarta Nanyang School
Jakarta Nanyang School - Newsletter
Jakarta Nanyang School
Jakarta Nanyang School - Newsletter
Les Elfes
Winter Camp
Les Elfes
Winter Camp
Summer Course
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School Booklet
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