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Levante Genuine Accessories - Catalogue|Video

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13 December 2019 - 1st Edition, Vol. 2, 69 pages

Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars with an amazing personality, immediately recognisable anywhere. A flawless blend of contrasting characteristics, the Maserati Levante is the first true SUV with a racing soul. That same sense of contrast is found in the Levante accessories range. Built to the highest standards of Maserati craftsmanship, every piece is guaranteed to offer both sturdy practicality and Italian finesse.


Transport and Loading Solutions The Levante is your gateway to the great outdoors. With ample luggage space and accessories like Roof Rails and Maserati branded luggage to transport your sporting gear, you’ll always be prepared – ready to adapt to every unique opportunity you encounter on the road.



With a combination of perfect balance and perfect grip, Maserati wheels allow our first luxury SUV to handle like a race car. With a range of wheel accessories you can refine your vehicle’s performance both on and off-road, and emphasise the matchless Italian style that is central to every Maserati.


Care and Protection

With its glowing bodywork and glossy chrome, the Levante appears like an exquisite work of art – and yet it’s ready to tackle the most challenging roads. Our range of care accessories, such as an Indoor Car Cover and Levante branded Floor Mats, preserve your vehicle’s beauty through every adventure, keeping it as picture perfect as the day it was made.


Sports Accessories

Its imposing size and commanding silhouette make the Levante stand out while still embodying the excitement and dynamism of the racetrack. With our range of sports accessories such as the Retrofit Sports Pedal Kit and the Skid Plate Kit, you can add your stamp to the Levante for a more personal drive – while retaining the unmistakeable sporty characteristics that mark it out as a Maserati.


Technology and Functionality

In your Levante, even the most ambitious journey is infused with luxury. The car is a place of serenity where you can breathe deeply and prepare for the adventure ahead. With our range of technological and functional accessories, such as a Universal Tablet Holder and Illuminated Doorsills, you can tailor the journey for maximum relaxation, arriving refreshed and ready for action.



Always push your limits. Never compromise on safety. Driving your Levante is an adrenaline rush in and of itself. With our range of safety accessories such as our Emergency Kit or Child Seats, that rush is built on the assurance that you’re prepared for whatever the road delivers.




About Maserati


Maserati S.p.A.

Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars with an amazing personality, immediately recognisable anywhere. With their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been an automotive industry benchmark. Ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante, Maserati’s very first SUV, and the GranTurismo and GranCabrio sports cars. A range complete as never before, with petrol and diesel engines, rear and all-wheel drive, the finest materials and outstanding engineering.  A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety.